27 July 2010

Functions of GOSSIP :D

heyyyyy peeps, i just back from MoMo Paradise and i gonna update my sweet blog now :D
Okay, lets start. Today i gonna share about the functions of gossip .

Gossip is news about people, sometimes slanderous, spread by word of mouth. It may also refers to chat, the act of spreading news from person to person, especially rumors or private information. In the last decade, gossip has been researched in terms of its evolutionary psychology origins. This has found gossip is an important means by which people can monitor cooperative reputations and so maintain widespread indirect reciprocity. Indirect reciprocity is defined here as "I help you and somebody else helps me". Gossip has also been identified by Robin Dunbar an evolutionary biologist as aiding social bonding in large groups. The term is sometimes used to specifically refer to the spreading of dirt and misinformation, as (for example) through excited discussion of scandals , like me :D

Gossip can serve to :
- normalise and reinforce moral boundaries in a speech-community
- shared interests and information with your buddys
- build a small gossip team
- further mutual social grooming
- enlarge your circle of life
- be used as a form of passive aggression, as a tool to isolate and harm others ( i like this )
- provide a peer-to-peer mechanism for disseminating information in organizations

I love gossip as how i love to eat. I can't live without gossip and it wont leave me too :D


Vincent Lim said...

lol...gossip gossip gossip..
dont gossip so much la...
too much of gossip also nt gud but at least nid a little la..xD..

ALIEN said...

lol...gossip is good for health okay XD

yunakiss said...

i like gossip too !!
(for those people i know only) =)