05 September 2010

Play it :x

First, take a pen and a piece of paper, or you just open microsoft word.  When you make a choice, make sure the people are you know one , whether the number or the person, must be the first one intuitive. OK lets start :x

Steps :
1. First, down no.1 until no.11 at side there like this 

2. At number 1 and 2 there, write down a number like this 

3. At number 3 and number 7 there, write down someone opposite sex one. Like this 

4. At number 4, 5 and 6, write down your friends name, like this. 

5. At number 8,9,10 and 11, write down some songs name, like 

Now, all the steps are done. What you have to do now is scroll down your mouse and read it. What i can say is it is so true and real. I have test a lot of people, all their response is : walao...so real :x

Here is it explanation, 

-> number 3 is the one you love.
-> number 7 is the one you like but cant get together
-> number 4 is the one you care
-> number 5 is the one who know you well
-> number 6 is a VIP for you 
-> number 8 song suit with number 3
-> number 9 song suit with munber 7
-> number 10 represent what you thinking and your idea
-> number 11 represent what is your feeling bout life :x


 to this PINK LADY

Stay pretty and lady :)


mr.potato said...

Deng,print screen my chat box without telling me.. Fxxk...and HER pic...omg..

hahahaha....so "real" ==

Anonymous said...

a ...
nice game

ALIEN said...

Mr. Potato : lelileli bubu :x

ALIEN said...

anonymous : LOL :X

eminey626 said...

lol, true~! xDDDD

Munn said...

OH thanks for it! and its kinda true ! xD

Khai said...

you are my no.6 :)

ALIEN said...

eminey : :X

ALIEN said...

Munn : i can sure Kei is your no.3 :x

ALIEN said...

Khai : OMG....same with me :x

Liger said...

very nice!

r u m i n said...

I played before but there's a bit difference when I played. We had to leave no.1 empty. Then no.2 is a number 3-7. No.3 and 7 no meaning when we played. No.5,6,7,8,9,10,11 are the same. Then when you're done, the no.2 you write what number, let's say 3, then you have to pass this game thingie to the person you have written on no.3. But the game is cool all the same. =)